CAIRNS Returns to Inestimable Gift Cemetery

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It was a beautiful day to work in the Inestimable Gift Cemetery, located in the Pass Creek District of Pine Ridge Reservation. The CAIRNS director and his cousin Harvey mowed and trimmed the whole cemetery. Thanks to Annabelle and to the Case family for their support, and to Martin Auto Parts for lending a mower. Inestimable Gift is an old cemetery. The earliest burial date we found on a headstone was 1892, which is 129 years ago! The names on the two left headstones in the photo above are Angelique Fire Thunder and Lydia Blue Bird. Angelique and Lydia were sisters. One of their grandfathers was Peter Weasel Bear, whose brother was Moses Red Horse Owner. Moses made a winter count that was published as “Red Horse Owner’s Winter Count.” In that book, Angelique wrote that she got the names and years of the winter count from Moses’ wife, Louisa. Louisa, Moses and Peter are also buried in the Inestimable Gift Cemetery.