Lakota Lands & Identities for Rapid City Area Schools: Day 1

Monday, June 14, 2021

Forty-seven teachers and administrators in the Rapid City Area Schools boarded the bus this morning for the first of five days of our Lakota Lands & Identities “classroom on wheels.” The seminar travels to important sites in Lakota history. Today’s itinerary included Wind Cave National Park (where Lakota ancestors are believed to have emerged into this world “a long time ago") and Fort Robinson State Park (where Crazy Horse was killed on September 5, 1877). The photo above shows the participants organized into three discussion groups meeting in the  shade at Fort Robinson State Park, our bus in the background. The site where Crazy Horse was bayonetted in the back by a U.S. soldier is 20-30 paces to the right of the photo's edge.