Articles of a Treaty Gallery Talk & Bistro Dinner

Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Brinton Museum in Big Horn, Wyoming, hosted an educational gallery talk and bistro dinner to feature the Articles of a Treaty exhibition that is on display now through August 28, 2022. This is the final venue for the exhibit. The gallery talk by the CAIRNS director touched on a number of issues related to the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, including that representatives from six of the seven Oceti Sakowin Oyates were signatories, there are three catagories of land stipulated in as many articles (Reservation in Article 2, Hunting Lands in Article 11, and Unceded Lands in Article 16), the combined area of these three land bases would be the 53rd largest nation in the world today and it includes a gold mine ranked in the richest top 10 worldwide, and that the exhibit includes songs, artworks, and poems by 74 creatives who are citizens of eight of the Oceti Sakowin Confederacy nations, three other federally recognized tribes, and the United States of America. Following the talk, Chef Paul and his staff served a delicious meal, its highlight being his sheet cake replica of "Honor Cake (Best Farmer),” a 3-dimensional faux sheet cake that  Marty Two Bulls, Jr. created for Article 14. Chef Paul showed the cake to each table of guests of the ticketed Prix Fixe dinner and then sliced and served it! In the photo above, Chef Paul is holding his unsliced cake, and flanking him are Brinton Museum staff members Dawn, Kim, Barbara, Kendra, and Tyshon (R-L).