Lakota Emergence Online Exhibit is Live

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Nearly three and a half years ago we moved the CAIRNS website to a new software program and hosting platform. But our hundreds of webpages could not simply be moved from their original program and platform to the new ones. Instead, each page had to be built new. So that summer of 2020 the decision was made to build out the Lakota Educational Arts Project (LEAP) webpages chronologically, beginning with the fourth exhibit, Takuwe, which had opened in 2018. Webpages for first three exhibits, Lakota Emergence (2015), the Great Race (2016), and Tapun Sa Win (2017) would be built as time permitted. Today, finally, the new online version of Lakota Emergence is available by clicking here. The major push to publish it is that the community version of Lakota Emergence is on display this week in the theater at Wagner Community School. This online version is brand new, so if you find glitches or broken links, please email with the details and we will fix them.