. . . and innovative projects . . .


September 25, 1804

Clark A A fair morning, the wind from the southeast. Raised a flagstaff and formed an awning and shade on a sand bar in the mouth of Teton River to council under, the greater portion of the party to continue on board. About 11 o'clock the 1st and 2nd chiefs arrived. We gave them to eat; they gave us some meat, (we discover our interpreter do not speak the language well). At 12 o'clock the councill commenced and after smoking agreeable to the usual custom Captain Lewis delivered a written speech to them, I some explanations etc. All party paraded, gave a medal to the grand chief, in Indian Un-ton gar-sar bar, or Black Buffalo; 2nd Torto-hongar, Partisan (bad fellow), the 3rd Tar-ton-gar-wa-ker, Buffalo Medicine. We invited those chiefs and a soldier on board our boat, and showed them many curiosities, which they were much surprised. We gave them ½ a wine glass of whiskey which they appeared to be exceedingly fond of. They took up an empty bottle, smelted it, and made many simple gestures and soon began to be troublesome. The 2nd chief, effecting drunkness as a cloak for his villainous intentions (as I found afterwards,) reeled or fell about the boat. I went in a pirogue with those chiefs who left the boat with great reluctance. My object was to reconcile them and leave them on shore. As soon as I landed 3 of their young men seized the cable of the pirogue, one soldier hugged the mast, and the 2nd chief was exceedingly insolent both in words and gestures to me declaring I should no go off, saying he had not received presents sufficient from us. I attempted to pacify but it had a contrary effect for his insults became so personal and his intentions evident to do me injury. I drew my sword. At this motion Captain Lewis ordered all in the boat under arms, the few men that was with me having previously taken up their guns with a full determination to defend me if possible. The grand chief then took hold of the cable and sent all the young men off, the soldier got out of the pirogue and the 2nd chief walked off to the party at about 20 yards back, all of which had their bows strung and guns cocked. I then spoke in very positive terms to them all, principally addressing myself to the 1st chief, who let the rope go and walked to the Indian party, about 100. I again offered my hand to the 1st chief who refused it (all this time the Indians were pointing their arrows). I proceeded to the pirogue and pushed off and had not proceeded far before the 1st and 3rd chiefs and 2 principal men walked into the water and requested to go on board. I took them in and we proceeded on about a mile and anchored near a small island. I call this island Bad Humored Island.

Clark B A fair morning, the wind from the southeast. All well. Raised a flagstaff and made an awning or shade on a sand bar in the mouth of Teton River for the purpose of speaking with the Indians under. The boat crew on board at 70 yards distance from the bar. The 5 Indians which we met last night continued. About 11 o'clock the 1st and 2nd chief came. We gave them some of our provisions to eat, they gave us great quantities of meat, some of which was spoiled. We feel much at a loss for the want of an interpreter. The one we have can speak but little. Met in council at 12 o'clock and after smoking, agreeable to the usual custom, Captain Lewis proceeded to deliver a speech which we oblige to curtail for want of a good interpreter. All our party paraded. Gave a medal to the grand chief called in Indian Un ton gar sar bar in French Beefe nure, Black Buffalo, said to be a good man; 2nd chief Torto hon gar, or the Partisan, bad; the 3rd is the Beffe De Medison his name is Tar ton gar wa ker.

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Invited those chiefs on board to show them our boat and such curiosities as was strange to them. We gave them ¼ a glass of whiskey which they appeared to be very fond of, sucked the bottle after it was out and soon began to be troublesome. One, the 2nd chief, assuming drunkenness as a cloak for his rascally intentions. I went with those chiefs (which left the boat with great reluctance) to shore with a view of reconciling those men to us. As soon as I landed the pirogue, three of their young men seized the cable of the pirogue, the chief soldier hugged the mast, and the 2nd chief was very insolent both in words and gestures declaring I should not go on, stating he had not received presents sufficient from us. His gestures were of such a personal nature I felt myself compelled to draw my sword. At this motion, Captain Lewis ordered all under arms in the boat. Those with me also showed a disposition to defend themselves and me. The grand chief then took hold of the rope and ordered the young warriors away. I felt myself warm and spoke in very positive terms. Most of the warriors appeared to have their bows strung and took out their arrows from their quivers. As I was not permitted to return, I sent all the men except 2 interpreters to the boat. The pirogue soon returned with about 12 of our determined men ready for any event. This movement caused a number of the Indians to withdraw at a distance. Their treatment to me was very rough and I think justified roughness on my part. They all left my pirogue and counciled with themselves, the result I could not learn, and nearly all went off. After remaining in this situation some time, I offered my hand to the 1st and 2nd chiefs who refused to receive it. I turned off and went with my men on board the pirogue. I had not progressed more then 10 paces before the 1st chief, 3rd chief and 2 brave men waded in after me. I took them in and went on board. We proceeded on about 1 mile and anchored out off a willow island. Placed a guard on shore to protect the cooks and a guard in the boat. Fastened the pirogues to the boat. I call this island Bad Humored Island as we were in a bad humor.

Gass We stayed here to wait for the Indians, who were expected to arrive, and at 10 o'clock they came, about 50 in number. The commanding officers made three of them chiefs and gave them some presents. Five of them came on board and remained about three hours. Captain Clark and some of our men in a pirogue went ashore with them; but the Indians did not seem disposed to permit their return. They said they were poor and wished to keep the pirogue with them. Captain Clark insisted on coming to the boat; but they refused to let him, and said they had soldiers as well as he had. He told them his soldiers were good, and that he had more medicine aboard his boat than would kill twenty such nations in one day. After this they did not threaten any more, and said they only wanted us to stop at their lodge, that the women and children might see the boat. Four of them came aboard; when we proceeded on a mile and cast anchor at the point of an island in the middle of the river. The Indians remained with us all night.

Ordway A clear and pleasant morning. All things made ready to receive the band of the Sioux nation of Indians, called the Tribe of Tetons. About 10 o'clock A. M. they came flocking in from both sides of the river. When 30 odd was selected under the American Colors, Captain Lewis and Captain Clark went out to speak and treat with them. Gave the 3 chiefs 3 new medals and 1 American flag, some knives and other small articles of goods and gave the head chief, the Black Buffalo, a red coat and a cocked hat and feather etc., likewise some tobacco. We had no good interpreter but the old Frenchman could make them understand tolerable well, but they did not appear to talk much until they had got the goods, and then they wanted more, and said we must stop with them or leave one of the pirogues with them, as that was what they expected. Captain Lewis showed them the air gun. Shot it several times. Then the captains brought the 3 chiefs and one warrior they had with them. Gave the warrior a certificate, then showed the chiefs some curiosities. Gave them a drachm. They brought a quantity of fat buffalo meat and offered us. The captains accepted of some of it and gave them pork in return. Then the captains told them that we had a great ways to go and that we did not wish to be detained any longer. They then began to act as if they were intoxicated. With some difficulty Captain Clark got them to shore. They then began to show some signs of stopping or attempting to stop us. One of them stayed on board the pirogue when Captain Clark and the chiefs went out of it. The head chief, the Black Buffalo, seized hold of the cable of the pirogue and sat down. Captain Clark spoke to all the party to stand to their arms. Captain Lewis who was on board ordered every man to his arms. The large swivel loaded immediately with 16 musket balls in it, the 2 other swivels loaded well with buck shot, each of them manned. Captain Clark used moderation with them told them that we must and would go on and would go, that we were not squaws, but warriors. The chief said he had warriors too and if we were to go on they would follow us and kill and take the whole of us by degrees or that he had another party or lodge above this and that they were able to destroy us. Then Captain Clark told them that we were sent by their Great Father the President of the U. S. and that if they misused us that he or Captain Lewis could by writing to him have them all destroyed as it were in a moment. They then requested that we would stay all night; they wished to have their women and children see the boat as they never saw such an one. The captain told them that we could not go far as the day was far spent, but we would let them see that they should not stop us and that we should go a short distance and camp for the night. The chief then let go the cable, and said that he was sorry to have us go for his women and children were naked and poor and wished to get some goods, but he did not think we were merchants, nor that we were loaded with goods, but he was sorry to have us leave them so soon. They wished to come on board. Captain Clark took the chief and warriors on board to stay all night with them. We then set off and proceeded on about 1 mile and camped. Anchored out. The guard and cooks on shore etc. The Indians camped on south side. Our camp was on a willow island in the middle of the river, at our starboard side.

Whitehouse A We delayed to wait for the Indian chiefs and warriors to come which we expected. About 10 o'clock they came about 50 in number. Our officers made three of them chiefs, and gave them medals and some presents. 5 of them came on board and stayed a long time. Captain Clark and some men took them to shore in a pirogue. The Indians did not incline to let us go on any further up the river. They held the cable of the pirogue and said that they wanted one pirogue at least to stay as they were poor. Captain Clark insisted on going on board but they resisted for a long time. They said they had soldiers on shore as well as he had on board. Captain Clark told them that he had men and medicine on board that would kill 20 such nations in one day. They then began to be still and only wished that we would stop at their lodges until their women and children would see us. 4 of them came on board again, and we proceeded on 1 mile and anchored out at the lower point of an island in the middle of the river. The 4 Indians stayed with us all night.

Whitehouse B We waited at an anchor this morning, in expectation of the Indian chiefs and warriors arrival here. About 10 o'clock A. M. they came to the bank of the river. There was fifty in number; our officers went on shore to them, where they held a council, and made three of them chiefs, and gave them medals and some presents. Five of those Indians came on board the boat, and stayed a considerable time; they were curious in examining our boat, having never seen one of the kind before. Our captain returned on board, fearing some treachery from those savages. Captain Clark and some of the men went on shore afterwards in one of the pirogues. He found that the Indians inclined not to let us pass any further up the Missouri; on his going to leave the shore, a number of them held to the cable of the pirogue, saying they wanted one of the pirogues to stay behind with them, as they were poor. Captain Clark insisted on going on board, but they resisted him for a long time. They told Captain Clark that they had soldiers on shore, as well as he had soldiers on board his canoes; Captain Clark then told them that he had men and medicine, on board the boat and pirogues, that would kill twenty such nations in a day. They then began to be still, and only said they wished that we would stop at their lodges until their women and children could see us and our boats. Four of the Indians came on board of our boat, and we proceeded on one mile and anchored the boat and pirogues out in the river, at the lower point of an Island, which lay in the middle of the river. Those Indians that came on board the boat stayed with us this night.