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September 30, 1804

Clark A Had not proceeded far before we discovered an Indian running after us. He requested to go with us to the Arikaras. We refused to take him. I discovered at a great distance a great number of men, women, and children descending a hill towards the river above which the chief with us told us was the other band. Some rain and hard wind. At about 10 o'clock we anchored opposite the camps of this band and told them we took them by the hand, and sent to each chief a carrot of tobacco and some to the principal men and further said that after staying with the band below 2 days to see them we had been badly treated and should not land again as we had not time to delay. Referred then to Mr. Dorion for a full account of us and an explanation of what had been said. They appeared anxious for us to eat with them and observed they were friendly. We apologized and proceeded on under a double reefed sail. The chief on board threw out to those that ran up small pieces of tobacco and told them to go back and open their ears. We saw great number of white gulls. Refresh the party with whiskey. In the evening we saw 2 Indians at a distance. The boat turned by accident and was nearly filling and rocked very much. Alarmed the Indian chief on board who ran and hid himself. We landed and the Indian expressed a wish to return. We gave him a blanket, knife, and some tobacco and advised him to keep his men away. We camped on a sand bar. Very cold and windy.

Clark B Set out this morning early. Had not proceeded on far before we discovered an Indian running after us. He came up with us at 7 o'clock and requested to come on board and go up to the Arikaras. We refused to take any of that band on board. If he chose to proceed on shore it was very well. Soon after I discovered on the hills at a great distance great numbers of Indians which appeared to be making to the river above us. We proceeded on under a double reefed sail, and some rain. At 9 o'clock observed a large band of Indians the same which I had before seen on the hills incamping on the bank the left side. We came to on a sand bar; breakfast and proceeded on and cast the anchor opposite their lodges at about 100 yards distance and informed the Indians which we found to be a part of the band we had before seen that we took them by the hand and sent to each chief a carrot of tobacco. As we had been treated badly by some of the band below, after staying 2 days for them, we could not delay any time and referred them to Mr. Dorion for a full account of us and to hear our talk sent by him to the Tetons. Those were very solicitous for us to land and eat with them, that they were friendly etc. We apologized and proceeded on. Sent the pirogue to shore above with the tobacco and delivered it to a soldier of the chief with us. Several of them ran up the river. The chief on board threw them out a small twist of tobacco and told them to go back and open their ears. They received the tobacco and returned to their lodges. We saw great numbers of white gulls. This day is cloudy and rainy. Refresh the men with a glass of whisky after breakfast. ¶ We saw about 6 miles above 2 Indians who came to the bank and looked at us about ½ an hour and went over the hills to the southwest. We proceeded on under a very stiff breeze from the southeast. the stern of the boat got fast on a log and the boat turned and was very near filling before we got her righted, the waves being very high, the Chief on board was so frightened at the motion of the boat which in its rocking caused several loose articles to fall on the deck from the lockers, he ran off and hid himself. We landed. He got his gun and informed us he wished to return, that all things were clear for us to go on, we would not See any more Tetons etc. We repeated to him what had been said before and advised him to keep his men away, gave him a blanket, a knife, and some tobacco, smoked a pipe and he set out. We also set sail and came to at a sand bar and camped. A very cold evening. All on our guard.

Gass We set out early in a cloudy morning. Passed black buffs on the south side and handsome bottom prairie on the north. Saw an Indian on the shore and the chief we had on board spoke to him. He said he wished to come on board and go with us to the Arikaras, but we did not take him. The wind was fair and we made 9 miles by 10 o'clock. We saw a great number of Indians coming down to the river on the south side. We stopped for breakfast about 200 yards from the shore, then proceeded about a mile near to the place where the Indians were encamped on the south side. We halted and spoke to them and then went on under a fine breeze of wind. ¶ A short time before night the waves ran very high and the boat rocked a great deal which so alarmed our old chief that he would not go any further. We encamped on the north side.

Ordway We set off early under a fine breeze of wind from the east. Passed a willow island north side. Passed a large bottom covered with timber on north side, barren hills on south side. See an Indian on south side, spoke to him. Found it was one of those we saw at village below. He told us that the other band was coming on and wished us to stop. We told him we could not stop neither did we wish to see them. Passed handsome bottom prairie on north side, a bottom covered with timber on south side. Proceeded on 10 miles. At 10 o'clock we discovered a large number of Indians on a hill south side coming down towards the river ahead. We halted on a sand bar, took breakfast. The Indians assembled on south shore hoisted a white flag. We then took down our red flag. Directly after they hoisted another. We then took them to be our friends. The weather being cool, cloudy, a mist of rain, our officers gave each man of the party a drachm. We then hoisted our sails and sailed up to where the Indians was assembled. About 200 of them on the bank of the river south side had put up one or 2 lodges which was white. We anchored out opposite to them about 100 yards. Spoke to them to know what they wanted. They said they wanted us to come on shore and eat with them and smoke, for they were our friends etc. Our captains told them our reason was that we had been ill treated by the band below, and that we would not stop but we were friends to them and would send them some tobacco for a token that we had taken them by the hand and then we should go on to the Arikaras where we should halt again. We then sent them some tobacco etc. Hoisted sail. Proceeded on. Passed a creek on south side. Passed a bottom covered with timber on north side. Passed an island and large sand bars on south side. The old Teton chief remained with us in order to go to the Arikaras nation. We passed a large quantity of grapes in the bottom of small timber on north side. Proceeded on till about 4 o'clock. Put to shore in order to take some fire wood on board. When we put off the stern of our barge got fast. She swung round in the stream, the wind being so hard from east. that caused the waves to run high the boat got in the trough and she rocked very much before we could get her Straight. We hoisted sail and came straight. Sailed very fast. The Indian chief we had on board was very afraid. He said he thought our boat was a medicine and he would go no further with us. We then put him to shore. Our captains gave him a blanket, some tobacco, a knife, and some other small articles. He then set off to return to his band. We sailed on very fast. Came 24 miles this day. Camped on a sand bar on north side.

Whitehouse A Set off early. A cloudy morning. We proceeded on. Saw a great number of Indians on the south side coming down the river. We halted a few minutes and gave them some tobacco and spoke a few words to them and went on under a fine breeze of wind. Towards night the waves ran and our boat rocked so that it scared our old Indian which was on board. He was afraid to go any further with us and went out on shore in order to return to his nation. We camped on the north side of the river.

Whitehouse B We set off early this morning, having cloudy weather. We proceeded on and saw a great number of Indians on the south side of the river running down to the river. The officers stopped the boat a few minutes and gave them some tobacco. The interpreter spoke a few words to them; they belonging to the Sioux nation which is by far the most numerous tribe of Indians that Inhabit along the Missouri. We proceeded on with a favorable breeze of wind. Towards evening the waves ran very high and our boat rocked exceedingly. ¶ The Indian who was on board the boat was so much frightened at the boat rocking that he requested to be put on shore, being afraid to venture any further with us. ¶ We landed this Indian on the shore after the officers had made him some presents and he took a friendly leave of us and returned towards his nation. We proceeded on 'till evening and encamped on a bank lying on the north side of the river.