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With a favorable southeast breeze, the boatmen passed thickets full of ripe plums along the north shore on their way to meeting a chief of the Titonwan nation at the next river. They saw elks and buffalos along the way. One of the hunters killed a of couple of elks and a deer, and while he was preparing their carcasses to be picked up by a pirogue, the last of the boatmen’s stolen horses was lost. Soon afterwards, noticing five men along the south shore, the boatmen anchored the keelboat in the river. The captains told the Titonwanians that some of their countrymen have stolen a horse, that the horse was a gift from the President of the United States to their chief, and that if the horse is not returned, they will not speak with them anymore. The men answered that they knew nothing of the horse, but if they found it, they would return it. Later, the captains went ashore and met Buffalo Medicine, the chief the three boys had mentioned the previous evening. They shook hands with Buffalo Medicine, smoked tobacco, and agreed to meet with him and others of his nation the following morning. The five men from earlier in the day spend the night camped with some of the boatmen on shore.

6:40 AM rise, 12:42 PM solar noon, 6:44 PM set

1:08 PM set, 9:40 PM rise, 71% illumination

54° at sunrise, 82° at 4 PM

E at sunrise, W at 4 PM

13.5 miles





Distance Traveled