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6:45 AM rise, 12:41 PM solar noon, 6:35 PM set

2:21 AM rise, 4:42 PM set, 17% illumination

45° at sunrise, 67° at 4 PM

SE at sunrise, SE at 4 PM

11 miles





Distance Traveled

In their three vessels, the boatmen and Buffalo Medicine set off early from a sandbar in the middle of the river. Later in the morning, they noticed Partisan, along with other men and women, along the south riverbank. The Titonwanians asked for tobacco for themselves and their countrymen not far upriver. The captains left two twists of tobacco on a sandbar for them to retrieve and told them that the boatmen would not come ashore again until they reached the Arikaran nation. Continuing up a shallow stretch of the river that was full of sandbars, the expedition passed a large elk herd. That evening, Partisan again appeared, but this time asked the captains for passage across the river. They consented and a pirogue took him and another man to the opposite shore. Still farther upriver, the day ended with Black Buffalo still aboard the keelboat, the boatmen aboard it and the two pirogues, and a guard or two on shore.