RIGOR is the setting of high standards, and then assisting people in achieving them. It is understanding that the study of American Indian issues is an academic undertaking and is worthy of scholarly methods and critiques. Studying American Indian histories and cultures is not simplistic, nor is it childish; such approaches are demeaning and denigrating. Rigor is the opposite of anti-intellectualism.

RELIABILITY means that something can be trusted, that it is based on evidence and research, and is consistently of high quality. Reliable work is based on strategies that can be replicated and that draw on the best educational and scholarly practices. Reliable work welcomes and encourages critical discussion regarding its policies and procedures. Reliability is the opposite of untested personal opinion.

RESPECT is the approach that all initiatives dealing with American Indians and Indian communities must be contemplative toward traditional tribal perspectives and beliefs. These traditions are based on thousands of years of experience here in what is now North America. Respectful work should do no harm to these traditions, nor should it treat them as quaint and simplistic vestiges of the past. Respect is the opposite of scorn.

RELEVANCE means that work and resources are useful to American Indians and Indian communities today and into the future. Relevance means that the work and resources recognize, support and promote tribal sovereignty. It means that studying  American Indian histories and cultures resonates with learners and helps them develop skills and knoweledge that will assist them throughout their lives. Relevance is the opposite of outdated.

. . . that acknowledge and incorporate tribal perspectives . . .