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6:41 AM rise, 12:42 PM solar noon, 6:42 PM set

2:12 PM set, 10:44 PM rise, 59% illumination

50° at sunrise, 79° at 4 PM

SW at sunrise, W at 4 PM

1 mile





Distance Traveled

It was a fair morning while the boatmen raised a flagpole and built a shade under which to meet with leaders of the Titonwanian nation. Around 10 o’clock, three chiefs—Black Buffalo, Partisan, and Buffalo Medicine—and nearly four dozen Titonwanians arrived for the festivities. Gifts of meat were exchanged. The chiefs each received a medal and other gifts. But the captains’ speeches were cut short by their lack of a good interpreter. The chiefs asked that one of the pirogues be left with them, a request that the captains denied. Then the chiefs and another man were invited aboard the keelboat for a tour given by Clark, after which the boatmen gave the visitors whiskey. An argument ensued and Clark ferried the chiefs back to shore in a pirogue, where more disagreements occurred, which led to both parties taking up arms for battle. After a tense period, the volatile situation calmed down. Clark returned to the keelboat with Black Buffalo, Buffalo Medicine, and two more men. The keelboat then weighed anchor and, with the pirogues, continued a mile upriver to an island, where the three crafts were fastened together. The four visitors spent the night aboard the keelboat.