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6:47 AM rise, 12:40 PM solar noon, 6:33 PM set

3:32 AM rise, 5:04 PM set, 10% illumination

42° at sunrise, 52° at 4 PM

SE at sunrise, SE at 4 PM

20.5 miles





Distance Traveled

The boatmen, along with Buffalo Medicine, set out early under a cloudy sky. A fine breeze enabled their sails to speed their progress upriver. Mid-morning, they stopped for breakfast and to enjoy a round of whiskey a short distance downriver from where another nation of Titonwanians had hastily set up a village along the south shore. The boatman then sailed up next to the village, anchored their vessels offshore, and from them visited briefly with residents of the village. The villagers invited the boatmen to eat with them, but the captains said the boatmen would not, and then gave the villagers some tobacco before hoisting the sails and continuing on upriver. They passed large quantities of grapes in a timbered area before going ashore late afternoon for firewood. When they set off again, the wind created high waves and the keelboat rocked so much that it frightened Buffalo Medicine into hiding and saying that he did not want to go any further. He told the captains there were no more Titonwanians upriver. The captains gave him his belongings and some gifts, and “advised him to keep his men away.” Buffalo Medicine set off on foot downriver. The boatmen hoisted sail and set off upriver, leaving Titonwanian territory.